The Quiet Turtle Society-Sweet Water Woman/Part Three-MovesCamp

The caravan grew to be over a mile long, from Denver, CO., they were stopped at the South Dakota border, each and every vehicle was searched, every person was id’d, they were over 10 Hiway Patrol cars. They asked everyone where were they headed and for what reason. Sitting in a carload of aimsters, Strong Buffalo grumpled, “Did we need a parade permit too, are we heading into a foreign country, need our passports?” He laughed and the officers, said, “You got a big mouth on you!” Strong Buffalo chuckled, “Better to speak to you with. “What did you say?” the officer said. “Oh, the mouth is connected to the mind, better to communicate if used properly. Why are you searching every vehicle? “This is very unusual, so many Injuns, might have some illegals with you and drugs or something dangerous!” We have to do our due dillgence.” Anyway, we got our orders.” As, he open a cardboard box, what is in this bag?” It is a chunupa, a pipe, I pray with it, like your bible”, answered Strong Buffalo. Hmm, orders, he wondered from whom?” Then the officer went to his cellphone, “Yes”, 117 and 58 vehicles, nothing, no warrants, all with ID’s, one is mouthy, Thomas Strong Buffalo, what kind of name is that, anyway, he from Minnesota, wonder what he is doing over here with all these folks, strange, huh, yes, sir, oh, ah, sure…” Go on nobody will stop you till you get to Sisseton.” “How he know where we going?” Strong Buffalo knew it must be connected to the orders.   They drove off, and up above a drone flew over them and stayed with them, Strong Buffalo saw it up there, he was a old marine, war and military games were normal business for him. When you have nothing to hide or not doing anything wrong, why should one worry?” But, he was, he remembered the assasination, this must be connected. The Fat man watched the image on his screen, a lot of them, and coming in from three other directions, over 300 vehicles and at least 600 people, something big was happening, to create this much movement. They drove off Interstate 90 and headed for the Pine Ridge and Rosebud reservations, destinations was Wambli, South Dakota for Richard Movescamp place, he was going to have ceremonies for them, yuwipi and inipi’s , he greeted Strong Buffalo and the twins, lead them into the house, the drone circled and circled the house, it was almost sunset, getting dark and he had his people undercover  with them, but not in the house, needed to tell them to go inside, find some reason, maybe cook something or get some special kind of medication, so, one off the undercover agents went in, to cook some unusual root, MovesCamp said, you cannot come in here, you have to prepare that in the trailer by the barn. The agent was all eyes and all he could hear was some singing, very good sounding voices, softly singing, yet, clear and commanding, a drum, maybe six men and several women voices, how did that medicine man know he was coming in and needed a hot stove?  From his east coast office, ” I don’t like this,” thought the Fat Man, i better head to the Aberdeen office, got to figure this all out, before my bosses know, I don’t know nothing. Oh, I’m ordered to the White House, oh, shit, what am i gonna tell him, he don’t like them very much and believes that we gotta to get under control. Okay, i got the thumb drive of footage and list of the Denver caravan, i can give him, damn, that guy is fatter than me, he sure likes to talk, makes me talk more than anybody else, hope he lets me go out in the field. I will just wing it, feed him some bullshit and make him believe we got it under control.  That Strong Buffalo looks shady, will tell him, he is the troublemaker and up to no good.”…



